We have your glass needs covered. don’t hesitate to call us with any window questions you may have.
Your window is not likely leaking, and you are not losing any heat out of your house. The seal that hold the two panes in place has failed. We can easily measure and replace a double pane sealed unit in a short time.
If you have older single pane windows you probably have noticed condensation. It may be the right time to upgrade your windows to high efficiency double pane vinyl windows.
Until then, you may be able to manage the condensation with a dehumidifier, fan and towel. Be sure to allow maximum airflow to the windows during the day.
If your double pane windows are condensating you may have excess moisture in you house. This may be due to any number of things such as: cooking, poor insulation, a blocked dryer vent. Or leaving blinds and curtains closed for days.
Your sliding patio door may be off track, or you may need to have your rollers and track replaced. We carry a variety of rollers, or we can special order for you.
Its likely that you window hinges are worn out or broken and something is preventing your windows from closing. Draft seals and hinges are both serviceable and replaceable. * In the event that your old window vent has settled out of square, the only remedy may be to replace the entire window frame. *
Low-E coatings have been developed to minimize the amount of ultraviolet and infrared light that can pass through glass without compromising the amount of visible light that is transmitted. Therefore lowering the U-Value of your home. The U-value of a window is measured by the number of BTUs that will pass through each square foot of area per degree of temperature difference from one side of the window to the other. The lower the number, the better the insulating performance.
Laminated glass is a type of safety glazing constructed by uniting two sheets of glass with a sturdy interlayer and applying heat and pressure to create an inseparable bond. This process makes the glass less likely to break out of the frame and it's less of a threat when broken.
Tempered glass is a type of safety glass processed by controlled thermal treatments to increase its strength compared with normal glass. Tempering puts the outer surfaces into compression and the interior into tension. Such stresses cause the glass, when broken, to shatter into small granular chunks instead of splintering into jagged shards as ordinary annealed glass does. The granular chunks are less likely to cause injury. Most tempered safety glass is labled with a faint stamp in the corner of the glass.